Ecounter 2: The Horse

This story comes from a anonymous person and was shared on the Spooky Pedro forums during the 2010s. With how infamous it was due to it's shocking nature it would go on to be somewhat of an urban legend around here; a campfire horror story. No one knows how it happened, where it came from, or why. I present to you the story of The Horse:

Late one night around 11:00 pm, an individual later identified as Joseph Doodlebob called into the local sheriff's office to report a break in at the dollar general next to his home. He described a large figure rummaging around in the checkout section and the sliding entrance door broken. Police arrived on the scene to find the store completely trashed, nearly every asile ransacked of anything, and scariest of all, the cashier was gone without a trace. Police attempted to check the security cameras but to their suprise the cameras had been broken, with little footage being salvagable. The footage was a few split second frames showing the front door breaking open after something large rammed into it. The only employee that had checked in that night was Tobey Doofenshmirtz. He checked in around 9:00 pm after his co-worker had checked out and was the only employee scheduled for the night working behind the counter. He had called in to his boss at 10:43 pm to report a suspicious large individual lurking around outside, but the call ended abruptly. Police searched for Tobey for hours, but to no success, at 3:30 in the morning, he was pronounced missing. Days went by, days turned to weeks, weeks turned to monthes and the culprit had not been caught. The only other thing police had known was the cow farm next to the Dollar General had a broken fence, and all the animals had ran away. The owner of the farm claimed to have nothing to do with any event that night stating "I was flying a plane over the atlantic ocean with my dog and I crashed into foodfair."

Eventually the sheriff was called again, this time with a similiar story. Something had broken into a local gas station and was rummaging around. Police arrived quicker than the first time, and caught the suspect in the act. It was worse than they could have ever imagined, the large creature stopped what it was doing to face the officers. What stood before them was something of unknown horrors, a beast capable of destruction beyond comprehension. It was a horse.

What happened that night, no one really knows. There never has been an official explanation for the disapearance of the 2 cashiers or the 4 police officers on duty that night. The tale like most grew old and forgotten. John Stallion, a local horse expert made a public statement in front of a small crowd stating "when trying to consume larger prey, horses can unhinge their jaws to open their mouths up to 140 degrees. Some can even fit larger animals like deer and moose into their mouths. Thats really wide!"

If you have any information on The Horse or other anomalies in Pedro, please let us know through our guestbook or the email below:

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